Update - FC Crawl has been cancelled due to Covid

Te Awamutu Community Cadet Unit


Want to be part of something AWESOME?

We have vacancies to be part of the Te Awamutu Community Cadet Unit team, see below and get in touch!

Unit Support Committee

Community Cadet units cannot operate without the fantastic support of a well functioning Unit Support Committee made up of Volunteers that share a passion to ensure TACCU is successful.

The USC has an Executive Team comprising a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

The USC have other roles currently vacant, and we are keen to hear from people willing to volunteer their time to support and help us ensure TACCU is a success.

We currently have a need for:

  • Activity Coordinators

  • Activity Support

If you are willing to volunteer your time to help us succeed delivering a fantastic Leadership program to our youth then please do not hesitate to contact our USC Executive via the following email.


Uniformed Staff - Adult

Cadet units cannot operate without Support Staff, Instructors and Cadet Officers.

We currently have a need for:

  • Cadet SNCO's

  • Instructors

  • Supplementary Staff

  • Officer Cadets

If you would like to join our adult staff, train with us and develop your own leadership and teaching skills, while giving back to the youth in our community then please reach out.

There is a "fit and proper person" process to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our young people is maintained.

A significant training program for new staff exists including Unit level, National Courses and Online Training.

For more information, please reach out to the team at the following email address.



Youth development and training for 13 to 15 year olds in Te Awamutu. Join the Te Awamutu Cadet Unit today!

Fill out the form below or email us at taccu@cadetforces.org.nz to receive information when it’s time for our next intake! 

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